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Mac OS



ChartMaestro   is an advanced stock analysis tool that allows you to efficiently analyse the stock market. With its data mining features, you can analyse the stock market automatically to find the stocks you are interested in. For instance, you can use smart watch lists to capture all stocks with a RSI<30, or use  the 2D scatter plot to get a risk/yield map of the stock market.

Through these features, you can quickly identify interesting trades. You define the rules and ChartMaestro will do the job for you. By using the indicator language, you can create your own smart watch lists or chart views, including 2D scatter plots. This is where Smart Trading begins: by getting a quick overview of the stock market through features like smart watch lists and customisable charts, you're in control.

ChartMaestro is a unique app with some very unique features - A really smart tool for your stock market analyses.

PLEASE NOTE: Stock data is downloaded directly from Yahoo Finance by you. ChartMaestro is not re-distributing any data and does not take any responsibilities of the quality of this data or analyses or trades that you do. Data can be broken and the tool may contain bugs. It is your responsibility as user and data downloader to verify your own analysis and the data. Only stocks with historical data from Yahoo Finance can be downloaded to ChartMaestro. By using this app, you agree with these terms. Also see the EULA.

Check out for videos, tutorials, etc.


  • Indicator Language. You can create your own indicators and functions.

  • Customisable charts. You can create your own views, change colours, plot your own indicators, etc.

  • Interactive charts: Scroll and zoom smoothly.

  • 2D scatter plots with Risk/Yield map

  • Watch lists

  • Smart watch lists: Create your own smart watchlists that automatically updates based on your rules.

  • Portfolio manager with profit summary

  • Yahoo Finance historical data

  • Download stocks for common indices like Dow 30, Nasdaq 100 and FTSE 100 easily without knowing each symbol name

  • Add other stocks through their symbol name

Please notice that you can only add stocks that are available from Yahoo Finance.

Reviews around the world:
"ChartMaestro offers a unique way to scan the markets. The new animated scatter chart is a great tool and can't be found with any other TA package that I know of at the moment" Netherlands

"Excellent software - running fine on Lion. Great for analysing where stocks are going. Lovely graphics and great interactivity, the author really knows how to design visually. Highly recommended overall." United Kingdom

What's New

  • A Yahoo button has been added. Clicking on this opens Yahoo Finance in your browser with the selected stock in the watch list.

  • Progress bar in Yosemite is back.

  • A few bugs have been fixed.

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