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| | EazyDraw Mac OS Graphics & Design 사러가기 |

Quit processing words and start communicating ideas. While providing beautiful typesetting for your written message, EazyDraw is an App that will let you accomplish so much more with easy to use vector drawing tools.
EazyDraw is a general purpose vector drawing App that every Mac user should have in their Dock. It has a balanced feature set, not bloated with obscure computer illustration procedures or traditional CAD complexity.
EazyDraw is perfect for technical drawings, text/page layout, computer art, architectural plans, letters and forms, logo design, flow charts, genealogy charts, maps, scientific illustrations, app icons, web graphics, and more.
EazyDraw provides full native support for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) file format. With EazyDraw you may import and edit SVG, EPS, and PDF vector drawings. Export formats include: SVG, PDF, EPS, JPG, TIF, Favicon, Keynote and others.
64 Bit! The App store version of EazyDraw provides the accuracy and speed of multi-thread 64 bit computing. The App Store version of EazyDraw DOES NOT support the legacy graphic formats: MacDraw, ClarisDraw, AppleWorks, or PICT. Older versions of EazyDraw are required to convert drawings in these formats. The App store version of EazyDraw will import drawings saved with earlier versions of EazyDraw.
Features: Layers, Multiple Drawing Windows, Symbol Libraries, English and/or Metric units, Drawing Scales, Grids and Guides, RGB and CMYK colors.
What's New
New content, check Library menu, includes new Character Builder library. Make compatible with latest operating system technology.